There’s a war going on that no one is safe from. It’s a War of Inversion and an all-out assault against humanity.


The War Of Inversion: An All-Out Assault Against Humanity

HAFJuly 7, 2022

by Jesse Smith

There’s a war going on that no one is safe from. It’s a War of Inversion and an all-out assault against humanity. It’s multipronged, relentless, and taking place simultaneously in every sphere of life.

the war of inversion an all out assault against humanity

Its thrust is anti-human, anti-science, anti-nature, anti-truth, anti-freedom, and decidedly anti-Christ. Its methods employ every weapon and technique available including sophisticated forms of propaganda and psyops. Its objective is to crush the human spirit and make it bend the knee to a superclass of elitist, authoritarian overlords who genuinely believe they are better than the rest of us.

The perpetrators have every intention of subjugating the masses to their rule, while trying to convince us it’s for our own good. They are master magicians and sly Svengalis casting spells of doom and gloom upon the world to keep people locked in a state of fear and paranoia.

In 2020, when they said that life would not return to normal, they really did mean it.

Everything they touch has been turned upside down and rendered completely opposite of nature and reality. This Bizarro World war seeks to completely overturn societal norms, laws, customs, and traditions. It revels in substituting evil for good and darkness for light.

The wizards behind the curtain are creating chaos and disorder on an unprecedented scale with the goal of rebuilding a new, global, and totalitarian society from the rubble of destruction. They have mastered war techniques from ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu’s Art of War, which includes sowing division, promoting deception, and attacking while the enemy is weak and most unprepared. Racial strife is one of their most prized tactics, but there are many others.

They Want Control Of Everything

Not satisfied with controlling most of the wealth, they seek to own and control everything including all-genetic materialnatural resources, the food supply, and even human DNA. Stating the obvious, the War of Inversion goes by other names such as the Great Reset, where the chief warmongers claim you will own nothing and be happy.

Its proponents masquerade as benevolent heads of nations, militaries, central banks, NGOs and think tanks. It’s being planned and executed by some of the wealthiest families, most powerful corporations, and most secretive organizations the world has ever known, along with the bootlicking minions that do their bidding.

It’s also known as the New World Order, which was ridiculed as a conspiracy theory not too long ago but is now out in the open parading its inverted virtues for all the world to see. In reality, all this jockeying for world control is nothing short of international organized crime with the military industrial complex and corrupt police serving as the muscle to keep resistance in check.

29 un nwo website

This Build Back Better bunch believes it can reshape human biology, nature, economies, and the social order into a new and improved technocratic utopia. They claim to be building a better future for all, but in reality, are installing a new form of feudalism, technofascism or whatever authoritarian system you’d like to call it.

Transhumanism Takes Center Stage

The new “gods” of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Fourth Reich depending on how you view it) are attempting to outdo and outlaw any reverence to the Creator of all things. They pretend to love and protect nature, while seeking to override it through technology such as genetic editing and gain of function research. They are aggressively pursuing a complete rewrite of history by merging man with machine, creating food from synthetic (and often toxic) materials, and altering and patenting the genetic codes for every species of life on the planet. Yes, they are that brazen, and their hubris reaches beyond the stratosphere.

One of their most lauded philosophers is a gay, futurist proponent of transhumanism named Yuval Noah Harari, who believes that:

  • Christ’s resurrection is fake news
  • the poor will continue to die, but in 50 or 100 years the rich will achieve exemption from death
  • future surveillance must be “under the skin”
  • the era of free will is over
  • the masses are useless, and their lives are meaningless and worthless
  • the masses don’t stand much of a chance against what’s coming even if organized
  • “history began when humans invented gods and will end when humans become gods.”

Harari is an advisor to Bond villain caricature and World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab. You know, the man who has openly stated that the Fourth Industrial Revolution would challenge “ideas about what it means to be human.” Schwab has also boasted that his cadre of young global leaders has penetrated government cabinets in many countries throughout the world. Much has been written lately about these twin terrors, further revealing what the elitists are planning.

However, what often gets lost is that these plans are being carried out in the halls of (local and state) government; corporate board rooms; military strategy sessions; secret meetings; elementary, secondary, and higher education classrooms; and over the airwaves via propaganda vomited from the mouths of CIA puppet “journalists.”

Recent meetings of the World Health OrganizationWorld Economic ForumWorld Government Summit, and Bilderberg Group have brought together many of the main conspirators and a host of other toadies eager to change the course of history in their favor. You are in the crosshairs of all of their attacks, as they have declared war on everything once thought of as good, just, and normal.

They completely despise your freedom, individuality, and independence. They loathe law and order and seek to circumvent all governing principles that stand in their way including the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. They want to restrict your speech, movement, thoughts, and even what you eat. They yearn to annihilate your individuality and merge you into a collectivist hive mind much like The Borg from the Star Trek franchise:

Born humanoid, they are almost immediately implanted with bio-chips that link their brains to a collective consciousness via a unique subspace frequency emitted by each drone.

This collective consciousness is experienced by the Borg as “thousands” of voices — they are collectively aware, but not aware of themselves as separate individuals. 

The LGBTQ+ Agenda Erodes Stable Societies

They seek to achieve their goals by any means necessary. It doesn’t matter how many innocent people die, how much pain and suffering are inflicted, or how many children’s lives are permanently damaged as a result of their ideologies, policies, and technology.

They promote a disordered view of reality that declares men can have menstrual cycles, become pregnant, and birth children while they pump harmful drugs and perform dangerous, often irreversible surgeries on minors so they can become transgender. They tell women it’s okay to lop off their breasts, remove their vaginas, take testosterone, and surgically create fake penises.

Meanwhile, pedophiles are seeking to gain public acceptance as they rebrand themselves as Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) instead of the criminally deviant predators they really are.

Biden’s USDA has recently announced that transgender-identifying students must be allowed to enter the bathrooms of their choosing or they will be deprived of federal funds used to pay for school lunches. Yes, Biden wants to starve your kids if school administrators don’t comply with the agenda. If you haven’t pulled your child out of these government indoctrination centers known as public schools, now is a great time to do it!

This particularly insidious form of warfare is slowly destroying what it even means to be a male or female and how the two different sexes should relate to one another. With at least 68 (most newly invented) terms describing gender and identity, millions are being groomed to rebel against nature and proudly embrace confusion. If alive today, Karl Marx would be thrilled to see his plans to destroy the traditional nuclear family take shape. If this agenda continues unabated, what happens to humanity fifty years from now?

The Occult Roots Of Societal Change

These smug, self-appointed rulers represent all that is evil and vile while presenting themselves as saviors. In truth, they are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing and dark clouds without rain. Many of them have aligned themselves with the occult and practiced the satanic “do as thou will shall be the whole of the law” doctrine.

Popularized by Aleister Crowley’s Telema, Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, and Michael Aquino’s Temple of Set, satanic teaching achieved widespread influence in Hollywood, the music industry, education, the military, and many other sectors. Though there are some variations, this belief system allows practitioners to justify anything they do no matter how repugnant, harmful, and horrifying it may truly be. This is why you are seeing celebrities such as Megan Fox admit to drinking human blood.

former u.s. army lt. col. michael aquino and the satanic temple of set

Former U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and the Satanic Temple of Set

Though they may pretend otherwise, at the core, all of them are narcissists, many are sociopaths, and an increasing number have become psychopaths. However, they’re usually not the ones committing atrocities like mass shootings and bombing innocent civilians “mistaken” for terrorists. They operate in the shadows, remaining clandestine while creating the policies and giving the orders for other foot soldiers to carry out these sadistic acts of violence.

Depopulation-Another Weapon In The Arsenal

They see themselves as men and women of renown, a special, gifted class destined to rule the world and everything in it. Some of them even believe they will colonize Mars, upload their consciences to the cloud, and achieve immortality.

Full of extreme pride and conceit, these tyrants see you and me as nothing more than “hackable animals” here to serve their every need. In fact, if technology continues to progress at the rate they desire, they won’t even need much of our service in the near future. Their ultimate plan is to  supplant us with robots, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) smart technology.

If all goes according to plan, these technological breakthroughs will make much of humanity expendable, so they’ve employed all kinds of methods to kill us including DNA altering and experimental gene therapies known as COVID-19 jjabs. They’ve tried to tell us that millions died from COVID-19, but that narrative has been exposed so now they are shifting to new threats like Monkeypox, bird flu, and bioterror attacks.

I believe this pivot is largely to steer people away from the fact that the COVID-19 bioweapon jabs have caused a massive die-off of the human population. As population control is one of the central tenets of the globalist overlords, those duped into taking the jabs have helped them reduce the population to a much more manageable level. After all, there is a monument in Georgia called the “Guidestones” openly declaring the population must be maintained under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

georgia guidestones, elbert county georgia

Georgia Guidestones, Elbert County Georgia

For those who aren’t killed off by big pharma, war, toxic chemicals, starvation or other means, the plan is to plunge us into poverty and government dependence. Creepy Joe Biden and the Federal Reserve are doing their best to oversee the controlled demolition of the economy under the guise of the “Putin price hike” and transition to the so-called green economy.

As a result, gas prices have soared to over $9.00/gal in one California town and inflation is rising so fast that it’s quickly emptying everyone’s wallets.

Very rapidly, the paradigms of life experienced over the last half century plus are shifting from:

  • Representative governments to technocratic authoritarianism
  • Governance through public institutions accountable to the people to governance by public/private partnerships accountable to no one
  • Recognition and enforcement of natural borders to fully open borders
  • Individual nation states to regional/global governance
  • Natural biological humans to transhuman or “augmented humans”
  • Free market economies to digital, surveillance capitalism economies
  • Freedom of movement to restricted movement through biometric digital IDs, IoT, artificial intelligence, and social credit monitoring
  • A world populated with over 7 billion people to a desired population of 1-2 billion people
  • Individual ownership leading to wealth and upward mobility to owning nothing and surviving on the pittance of Universal Basic Income
  • Bodily autonomy to government ownership as a “patented” corporate asset
  • Protected free speech to government-approved speech and draconian censorship
  • Freedom of religion to worship of the state
  • Robust natural food production and consumption to tightly controlled food production allowing only GMOs, lab grown meat, insects, seaweed, and algae for consumption
  • Unlimited enjoyment and exploration of the natural world to restrictions on travel and movement relying on digital experiences like the metaverse and a digital twin of the earth
  • Limited human contact and strong personal relationships to digital relationships through social media, metaverse, etc.
  • Rule of law to rule by the decrees of technocratic tyrants

This is indeed a lot to digest, and for many it is so unpalatable they simply bury their head in the sand and continue blindly through life, hoping this will all just go away. But this War of Inversion will not cease unless there is continued resistance at every turn. They desire to achieve most of their objectives by 2030, right in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This is the reason there was such an acceleration of change beginning with the plandemic in 2020.

25 un sdgs 2020 year of acceleration

The fork-tongued snakes at the top of the global pyramid want you dependent on them for everything. This is why they want control of everything under the guise of saving the planet from climate change, ever-mutating viruses and plagues, and devastating cyber-attacks that threaten critical infrastructure and expose all of your private data.

They trot out crisis after crisis to keep you traumatized and focused on anything but their continued plans of domination. What we’re witnessing is pure engineered chaos at its best.

Their Rule Is Not A Foregone Conclusion

They love to pretend they are a united front, but they often disagree on how to implement their schemes. This should encourage us to continue to defy them, as a house divided cannot stand. Through predictive programming and publicly stating their goals, they want to make us think that their rule is inevitable, and that resistance is futile.

However, there are victories occurring every day by ordinary people taking on the big bad machine.

It’s sad but true that much of their power has been achieved by our own dereliction of duty. As abolitionist Wendel Phillips stated in 1852, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

In many ways we have failed to protect our children, communities, wealth, health, and peace of mind by giving government bureaucrats and anointed experts too much control, all for the sake of ease and convenience. But it’s time to get back in the trenches and fight this enemy by speaking truth to power, overcoming evil with good, forming our own support systems, and continuing to live our lives without fear and panic.

We all have a part to play in wresting control from those who seek to do us harm. Whether it is through writing, speaking, creating, organizing, planning, inventing, or teaching, all of us have been gifted in some area to contribute to defeating this beast seeking to devour us.

Now is the time to use whatever talents and gifts you have to advance the cause of freedom and truth. Be a light in the midst of all this darkness. If your message is not received by some, keep it moving and don’t waste time and energy arguing with fools.

Pay attention to what’s happening, but don’t let it consume you. Find time to do things you enjoy despite the dire conditions. Connect with God and people who have your best interest in mind.

Remember, nothing is impossible to them that believe! This war can be won by those who are courageous, committed, steadfast, and willing to make sacrifices to see that the enemies of God, humanity, and nature are all exposed and brought to justice.


Former Deputy Of Kiev City Council Claims ‘Satanic’ Jews Commit Ritual Blood Sacrifices Of Children And Animals

 By CFT Team — 22 Comments

( Jews in the Ukraine are nervously circling the wagons after a high-profile politician in Kiev accused some Orthodox religious Jews of engaging in satanic rituals that involve the agonizing sacrifice of animals and small, non-Jewish children.

Via Google translate:

According to the former deputy of the Kyiv Council, Jewish rabbis “summon demons during prayers,” and Satanism is a form of Judaism. The United Jewish community of Ukraine demands to investigate these statements.

Former deputy of the Kyiv City Council, Mikhail Kovalchuk, was involved in an anti-Semitic scandal. On Facebook, he wrote that some Orthodox Jews “commit ritual murders of children.”

“Most often, their victims are small children, children of non-Jews (goyim). Satanism is one of the forms of Judaism, where special attention is paid to sacrifices and feeding their masters — dark forces (God Yahweh),” he noted.

Next, Kovalchuk cites the conversion of Jesus Christ to the Jews from the Gospel of John.

Your father is the devil, you want to fulfill your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand for the truth, because there is no truth in him, because he is a liar and the father of lies,” Kovalchuk wrote.

The deputy also described the cult of cruel torture of animals by Jewish rabbis.

“Reading prayers from their sacred scriptures, they invoke demons, and at the same time they sacrifice animals, subjecting them to severe torture. The sacrificial animal’s throat is cut with a very sharp knife up to the spinal cords, and it slowly dies over a long period of time in a pool of its own blood. According to the Talmud “The more an animal suffers before death, the more this killing will benefit God Yahweh,” he said.

The United Jewish Community of Ukraine reacted to the statements of Mykhailo Kovalchuk. His statements constitute anti-Semitism according to the law “On prevention and counteraction of anti-Semitism in Ukraine” and violate Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The community pointed to “false, inhumane, demonizing and stereotypical statements about Jews” in the deputy’s post, and also called for an immediate reaction by law enforcement agencies.

“Such statements are unacceptable in a united Ukraine, especially during martial law and from a deputy of the city council,” the organization emphasized.

It is worth noting that Kovalchuk ceased to be a deputy of the Kyiv Council after the start of a full-scale war with Russia. The “Batkivshchyna” party applied an imperative mandate against him for “strange statements on social networks about mobilization.”

Kovalchuk argued that Ukraine had not officially declared war on Russia, so the mobilization had no legal force.

Mikhail Kovalchuk was elected to the Kyiv City Council in the next local elections on October 25, 2020 from “Batkivshchyny”. After his removal, the deputy’s powers were transferred to Ekaterina Glymbovskoy, the wife of ex-head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov and the daughter of the owner of the construction company “Altys-Holding” Alexander Glymbovsky.

The non-religious, French Jew Bernard Lazare, in his 1894 book, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes — which he described as “an impartial study of the history and sociology of the Jews” — directly addressed the perennial accusations against the Jews of Ritual Murder:

“To this general belief are added the suspicions, often justified, against the Jews addicted to magical practices. Actually, in the Middle Ages, the Jew was considered by the people as the magician par excellence; one finds many formulae of exorcism in the Talmud, and the Talmudic and Cabalistic demonology is very complicated. Now one knows the position that blood always occupies in the operations of sorcery. In Chaldean magic it had a very great importance…Now, it is very probable, even certain that Jewish magicians sacrificed children; hence the origin of the legend of ritual sacrifice.”

Bernard Lazare was no “self-hating” Jew — he famously defended Alfred Dreyfus against the “antisemitic” charges of espionage — and he was an ardent promoter of Zionism.

His only transgression against his fellow Jews was attempting to be “impartial” in his assessment of the history and causes of antisemitism — which led him to rationally conclude that some Jews had indeed engaged in ritual blood sacrifices of children.

There are few things that send Jews into a panic more than an “impartial” or “even-handed” approach to history — where they are not in complete control of the self-serving narrative.

However, the list of documented cases of ritual murder against Jews is formidable — the the Polish government has archives of material on these cases — and it should be inconceivable to any “impartial” observer that there is no factual basis for any of these accusations.

And these accusations come not just from “gentiles” — such as the 13th century ritual murder of Saint Hugh in Britain — or the sensational ritual murder of 5 white children in Chicago in 1955 — there have been a number of prominent Jews, like Bernard Lazare who have confirmed the truth of many of these cases.

For example, the former Chief Rabbi Neofito of Moldova published a sensational book in the Moldavian language in 1843 about the secret jewish blood mysteries — in which he explained how only a small, secretive group of Jews participate in these sacrificial murders.

These murders of “gentile” children are motivated by an intense hatred of Jesus Christ and his followers — a hatred so profound that most Christians cannot fathom or believe it exists — especially about God’s alleged “chosen people” whom contemporary Christians are encouraged to worship as their “spiritual elders.”

Judaism can trace its true origins back to Babylon — where such blood rituals were commonplace — but most Christians are completely unaware of this fact — instead believing the Judaism is based on a strict adherence to the Torah — not the Talmud or Kabbalah.

But Kovalchuk is no doubt well aware — as many Ukrainians are — of the 1911 murder of 13 year old Andrei Yushchinsky of Kiev:

“Not only is there a photo of poor little Andre Yuschinsky’s dead body, the frustrated prosecuting lawyer [who himself was later murdered] wrote a book about the case. There were 3 child witnesses to the abduction, all 3 were poisoned before the trial only 1 survived but was too sick to testify. The police not only planted evidence but also destroyed evidence; never the less the crime was proven to have taken place in the secret synagogue in the accused man’s factory. 13 puncture marks are visible on Andre’s face; there were another 45 on his body. Jews the world over sought to conceal this ritualistic murder of a child, the equivalent of £115,000,000 was spent on the defence. This case it seems, everybody was bribed, poisoned, sacked, shot and murdered, yet the accused man was found not guilty, but died as a ‘Jewish National Hero’ in the USA in 1934.”Source:

Where does this enormous amount of money come from to defend Jews accused of ritual murder? They have what is called — a slush fund dedicated to paying expenses, legal and otherwise, to combat such accusations worldwide, according to Philip de Vier in his book Blood Ritual.

And yet Jews will continue to gaslight everyone — only someone who irrationally hates Jews For No Reason Whatsoever™ would ever believe such outrageous accusations.

Thus the old Jewish proverb, “Admit nothing, blame others, be bitter.”

Published by Peace Maker

Peace and Respect all over the World

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