Putin Was Raised by a jewish Grandmother?

Many people here know about the many signs that Putin is at least partially jewish, but this little statement is new to me.

 renegade  April 1, 2021 1 min read 


Many people here know about the many signs that Putin is at least partially jewish, but this little statement is new to me.


Jewish roots of Vladimir Putin

Putin is a Jew—documents from the president’s biography confirm rumours

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Putin’s alleged nationality card shows that his mother is Jewish. It is highlighted with a red box. It reads “/Евр./” at the end of her name, which is an abbreviation for the Russian word for Jew: Еврей.

The magazine “Profile” puts forward the following version of the origin of the Putin family. According to pre-war photographs that accidentally ended up in the magazine, Putin’s family tree was restored to Putin’s grandmother and grandfather. According to this information, Putin’s grandmother married a second time to Vladimir Dmitrievich Pechersky in 1960. According to the recollections of his second wife Anna Pecherskaya, Putin’s grandmother was an accountant either at school or in the village council, and her future husband Pechersky was the son of a parish priest in Chufalovo, Yaroslavl region. Pecherskaya does not give her real name, but, like her husband, calls her Lyalya. “Lyalya was pretty, a real angel” with noble urban manners and was noticeably different from the village girls.

Putin’s great-grandfather served as a traveling salesman and sold Singer sewing machines. Putin’s great-grandmother was a certified midwife who graduated from medical school and had the right to private practice, but her daughter Lyalya did not have a higher education. Lyalya studied financial courses and graduated from school immediately after the revolution. The first husband of Putin’s grandmother left her with a child, disappointed in love. “Profile”, although it does not draw historical parallels, writes that the real name of Lyalya was Rasputin, and after the change of dignity, the secular name was changed. Later, “so that the ministers of the monastery did not have bad associations, her husband entered the monastery book as Putin.” From Chufalov, Yaroslavl region, where Putin’s grandmother married her second husband, she moved with him to Kokand, then to Fergana, then to Rostov the Great. But, tired of eternal travel, she left Pechersky and married the Jew Epstein (he took his wife’s surname), who adopted Vova Putin, Putin’s father. Thus, Vladimir Putin is a Jew by his grandfather. Yes, and not even native. Although Epstein.

The electronic newspaper Petersburg News wrote that,

“Putin has already said that Jews have long aroused sympathy in him, and he recalls with joy how he grew up in a communal apartment in Baskov Lane among Jewish neighbors, the sweetest and most pleasant people.”

It is quite possible that these were not neighbors, but relatives. Jewishness was not a fact that they liked to advertise. Naturally, Little Johnny Putin tried to forget about his Jewish roots.

Putin’s presence at the opening of the Center for Jewish Culture and his congratulations on Rosh Hashanah added fuel to the fire of supporters of the “Jewish version” of the president’s origin. Putin himself has kept a guerrilla silence, not commenting on these assumptions. A number of journalists have long noted President Putin’s markedly respectful relationship with representatives of the Jewish community, the official events of which in Moscow the head of state visits repeatedly. Moreover, as you know, Vladimir Putin has always tried to build trusting relationships with the political leaders of Israel and in almost every public speech to call the Jews of Israel a fraternal people. In particular, in fact, with the coming to power of Putin in 1999, Russia’s policy towards Israel has sharply changed from a negative side to a positive one. Although many decades before that, Israel was several times on the verge of clashes with the USSR, which all these years actively supported the Arab countries and regimes surrounding Israel politically and with the supply of weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, alongside Russia’s chief rabbi Berel Lazar, light the Menorah in 2017.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (C) speaks at a ceremony marking the handover of the Schneerson library at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre in Moscow, on June 13, 2013 . Putin expressed today hope that the problem of a disputed Jewish archive, known in Russia as the Schneerson library, claimed by the United States was finally put to rest as he visited the rare collection in the newly opened Jewish Museum in Moscow. AFP PHOTO / YURI KADOBNOV (Photo credit should read YURI KADOBNOV/AFP via Getty Images)
Russian Presidentn Vladimir Putin and Russia’s Chief Rabbi of Chabad Lubavitch Berel Lazar toast.


Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (R) and Russia’s chief Rabbi Berel Lazar attend a ceremony marking the handover of the Schneerson library at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre in Moscow, on June 13, 2013. (YURI KADOBNOV/AFP via Getty Images)




 Talks: Naftali Bennett and Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia last year (GETTY)

Israel’s prime minister Naftali Bennett today met Vladimir Putin in Moscow to discuss the war in Ukraine.

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